Monday, December 10, 2007

'' email alias

'' email alias:
I don't know if you already know about this, but you can get your own '' email alias:
- goto ''
- click 'RouteY'
- login, or get a byu/routey id
- once you login, click 'email alias manager'
- there you can setup aliases, where people email to a '' addr, which then forwards the email to another email addr of your choosing

Thus, you can tell people your '' address, and then change the underlying aliased address whenever you change email accounts. People will always have the right email for you - neat. Of course, you want to avoid using the address with those you don't want to get spam from.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Well, Frankensean had to make one final return, with his offspring. As 'Garlic Flavor': may the Fork be with you !
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And now, the mild-mannered Sean is pretty well back - wearing a shirt ready for another go at the Caribbean !
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Monday, October 8, 2007

Ahhhhh !!!
The return to 'Normal'-Sean begins, with removal of those infernal pins !

Friday, September 21, 2007


Innocent enough, with nice hairpiece

The transformation begins, he looks happy and mild-mannered now, but ...

The eyes become wild

and full body is on the road to craze - who knows what's next? ...
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Well, hey

Hey ever' one,
Finally Sean got around to getting some communication place going on this here Internet thing. Hope them tubes don't get clogged getting this note out to the blog site. What is a blog anyway? Some sort a new fangled spelin' for a log full a bees?