Sunday, November 9, 2008

Rich Low, Poor Exalted

I (Sean) had an interesting experience and conversation while acting as a Republican 'poll watcher' on election day at our precinct. My Deomocrat counterpart was a friendly lady about my age I judged, with strong Liberal views on things, and was, I'm sure, very happy that Obama was elected. Our conversations ranged on various issues, including making socialized medicine the way of the land, and giving less-privileged people more help. I felt like I had to agree in a way with what she saw in the plight of various people, but with certain reservations and ideas of my own.

One important thing I gathered from her is that she feels people really do want to work for what they get, and by extension, improve their lot. This sounds good to me, but to really get to the core of the issue, I wanted to gather some information from our LDS Church sources to help delineate what I believe about the issue of 'taking from the rich, giving to the poor'. So, here are some of my findings and opinions, which reflect my Church's teachings, but for the normal disclaimer, all these ideas are not necessarily the views/policies of the Church. See '' for the Church's views, which I quote here in various places.

D&C 56:16-20: rich must give to poor; poor must be satisfied and labor with own hands
D&C 68:30-31: idlers, eyes full of greediness
D&C 75:29: be diligent, idler shall not have place
D&C 104:13-18: every man is an accountable steward; poor shall be exalted, in that the rich are made low.
Mosiah 2:14: King Benjamin labored with own hands for his sustenance, that people not be laden with taxes
Mosiah 4:16-28: rich should impart; poor should say 'i give not because i have not', but would give if had
4 Nephi 1:2-3,7,15-16: dealt justly with one another, had all things in common, no rich and poor, but all were free; did prosper exceedingly; no contention, could not be a happier people
Acts 2:44: had all things in common
Acts 4:32-37: one heart, had all things in common, none lacked

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